Wednesday 8 October 2014

plaiting hair and creating a bun

Week 1 

Plaiting hair

The first technique I learnt was a simple plait . In order to create a plait in the hair I had to separate the hair into three equal sections, then overlap the middle section alternately over each of the end two  sections, and keep repeating this process until I nearly reach the end of the hair. I had to add a hair tie to the end of the plait to keep it secure and in place.
After my attempt at creating a simple palit i was generally quite  confident with the technique.

I then had a couple of attempts at a French plait  which was the next technique I learnt , I sectioned a small part of hair starting from the top of the scalp using a fine tooth comb and sectioned it into three equal parts as I began to start plaiting the hair I would then start adding small sections of hair from each side and overlay the piece of hair on the middle section, each time a piece of hair is added to the middle section I would then rotate the sections to the right plaiting the hair I kept repeating this process until I reach the end of the hair, I then add a hair tie to the end of the hair to secure the plait in place.

 I thought my first attmept wasnt bad but the sections were slightly messy. After speaking to Lottie about my first attempt on a french plait she explained the thing i needed to focus on in order to make the plait look overall  neater was to focus on sectioning the hair before incorporating it into the palit in order to make it look more even.
. I thought my second attempt at french plaiting hair was an improvement from my first attempt.

Fish tail plait

Fish tail plait was the next style of plait I learnt which I had two attempts at , I section the hair into two, I then add a thin piece of hair from the right side and overlay on the left section of hair, holding it in place I then grab a piece of hair from the left and overlay it on the right section of hair , I kept repeating this process to create a fishtail effect cautious of not holding the plait too tight otherwise it would ruin the structure. I then secure the fishtail plait with a hair tie.

First attempt at a fish tail, for my first attmept i was generally quiet happy with the outcome. After speaking to Lottie about my first attempt at a fish tail she said that it was a good attempt and like how the plait was loose and the sections werent pulled too tight.
Second attempt at a fish tail plait 
overall i found fishtail plaiting quite easy but felt the start of the plait was quite difficult as it always looked untidy.



A high bun without using a donut but with structure was another technique I learnt , I had a a couple of attempts at this technique, I started styling  the hair into a high ponytail securing the hair tie to make it stable so it would  not move about I then took a section of the hair and back combed the root of the section underneath to create volume I then smoothed the top of the section over with my comb and kept the section in place with a hair pin I carried this process out three more times leaving me with four sections. I then joined all the sections together by making sure the was no gaps I was able to close the gaps easily due to the back combing leaving me with more movement I then secured the bun by adding four hair pins to each of the sections in order to do this  I had to apply the hair pins pushing them across the scalp to stop the bun from moving out of place, when adding the hairpins I had to be cautious not on place the hair pin into the hair incorrectly damaging the bun.

overall i found creating a bun without a donut quite simply however i felt when joining the sections together it became untidy this may have been due to the type of hair i was using was curled.

my first attempt at a bun without using a donut. I was happy with my first attempt but felt the bun looked generally quite messy , after speaking to Lottie she expalined it was a good attempt and the reason why it looked quite untidy was due to the hair on the dolls head being wavy.

Second attempt at a bun without using a donut

research on contemporary plaits and buns

I researched some images on the different styles of contemporary buns and plaits.

beautylish. (unknown). how to french seashell braid. Available: Last accessed 30/11/14.

The contemporary image of a french plait also incorprates some elements of the Elizabethan era. The Elizabethans were known for having different styles of plaits included in their hairstyles.
I like how the plait is extended into a spiral shape .

Hairstyle How To Bella Thorne Blue and Green Fishtail Plait
Samriddhi. (13/03/13). hairstyle:how to. Available: Last accessed 30/11/14.
The contemporary image of a french plait with ribbon also highlights some elements of the Elizabethan era. It is known that the Elizabethans liked to incorpate materials into their hairstyles such as ribbons, pearls and feathers.
Cute Fishtail Braid for Girls
jessica. (november 2014). latest popular hairstyle for girls. Available: Last accessed 08/10/14
The contemporary image of a fish tail plait highlights some elements of the Elizabethan era. The Elizabethans incorporated many plaiting techniques into their hairstyles, they were also known for having hair styles which contained a significant amount of volume.
Perfect Hairstyles for Prom In 2014

anonymous. (2014). perfect hairstyles for prom in 2014. Available: Last accessed 08/10/14.

 The contempary image of a low bun also highlights some elements of the Elizabethan era. The caul which is situated over the oversized low bun is a common piece of headgear all which all Elizabethan women wore.

Zareen. (2013). womens hairstyles for EID 2013. Available: Last accessed 08/10/14.

The contemporary image of a side bun with pearls incorporated can be regonised as a very Elizabethan look. The Elizabethans were known for incorprating pearls and jewells into their hairstyles, especially if they were wealthy. Analysing this image it is noticeable that the stylist has incorporated some twists and plaiting techniques into this style of un, this also remind me of the Elizabethan era, not only were they well know for have the hair styled into a bun they also incorpated many other techniques into their hairstyles such as twists and plaits.

Hairstyle trends s-s 2012 puffed buns
Akriti. (2012/02/07). 2012:buns and futuristic updos. Available: Last accessed 08/10/14.
It is noticeable that the contemporary of a puffed bun has been styled using plenty of backcombing to create its volume. This style reminds me of the Elizabethan era due to many of their hairstyles including plenty of height.

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